Dear Pen-lrs,

After having just travelled across the country (in, I might add, a Penske
truck rental that broke down FOUR times!!) and am now catching up on the
news.  I saw something about Clinton taking another crack at banking
"reform."  It sounds like yet another attempt to see if we can create a
fiasco even worse than what happened with the S&Ls.    Does anyone know
more about the details or, more importantly, if this is something we need
to worry about or if it'll be stomped to death by the conflicting financial

Anders Schneiderman

P.S.  On my trek across the U.S., I ended up spending more time than I
expected in Nevada, Nebraska, and Wyoming and had a chance to talk to a
number of folks while waiting to get the ^%#$^*!@ truck fixed.  Two things
struck me:

1) I have a much better appreciation of how Americans living in small towns
can feel like DC is on another planet and why they might feel so strongly
about getting the federal government off their backs (which, as someone
trying to get a union research job in DC, is a pretty useful experience to

2) If the Federal government ever did get off their back, Nevada, Nebraska,
and Wyoming would cease to exist as states.  I thought California relied a
lot on the gumment, but shit, those states are totally dependent on federal

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