Teamsters will have to re-run President and officers elections.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The elections officer for the Teamsters has just brought
down her decision --- to "refuse to certify the election"
of officers which was held last fall, and she has
ordered "a rerun election for all positions except the
Central Region Vice Presidents and the President of
Teamsters Canada."  (The President of Teamsters Canada,
Louis LaCroix, was on both the Carey and Hoffa slate,
and unopposed, and the Central Region Vice Presidents
were on the Hoffa slate).

The elections officer, further held that "because there
is no evidence that Carey or any member of his slate
knew of or participated in the various improper
fundraising schemes, disqualification is not warranted."

Finally, while she hasn't yet said when this election
will be run -- though one case assume this fall -- she
has petitioned the courts for tighter rules.  "Simultaneous
with the issuance of the decision, the Election Officer
has made an application to the US District Court for
approval of a Proposed Rerun Election Plan.  The
proposed plan includes supplemental nominations, the
prohibition of non-member contributions, a $ 1,000
limite on member contributions and a $ 5,000 limit
on candidate contributions, and more frequent and
detailed reporting requirements."

The reasoning she gives for ordering the new election
is that "given the small margins between the winning
candidates on the Carey slate and the losing candidates
on the Hoffa slate, the Teamsters for a Corruption
Free Union funded mailings could have persuaded at least
a small percentage of Carey slate supporters to cast
their ballots and therefore may have affected the
outcome of the International officer election."

"In ordering a rerun election, the Election Officer
recognizes the hardship on the candidates who just went
throught an expensive two-year campaign and the
disruption to the institution as many of its leaders
become diverted from the central work of the Union.
The Election Officer finds, however, that the members
cannot have confidence in their union or its leaders
if they see their choice of officers has been manipulated
by outsiders.  They cannot have confidence in the Consent
Decree if the Court officers do not take effective
action to prevent and remedy such misconduct."

So, it looks like its elections time in the Teamsters

Elaine Bernard
Harvard Trade Union Program

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