Imus:  You were genuinely touched by the death of Princess Diana?

Kinky: I was, and I'm a little surprised that you, you know, that you
didn't seem to identify with it that heavily, and of course maybe you were
still emotionally spent from the Versacci funeral, I don't know, but ah I
personally, ah yeah, I..

Imus: ..How about Mother Teresa?

Kinky: ..I don't think Mother Teresa was trying to save souls, and Diana
was trying to help people, to do good, there's a big difference there.
Mother Teresa wanted to save souls for Jesus.

Imus: ..Well that's idiotic, I mean Mother Teresa was going around..

Kinky: ..Mother Teresa was friends with Baby Doc Duvalier..

Imus: ..oh well that's..

Kinky: ..I mean I don't want to trash this woman, I mean she died..

Imus: ..well that's idiotic, you're an idiot..

Kinky: ..I'm not running down a..

Imus: ..yes you are..

Kinky:  ..four-foot-eight dead person now..

Imus: ..well you're a..

Kinky: ..I'm just saying her interest was to save souls for Jesus, she
didn't care..

Imus: ..well Mother Teresa was picking the lepers up out of the gutter and
taking them back and fixing them up and and helping them die with some sort
of dignity..

Kinky: ..yeah if they..

Imus: ..She didn't give a damn whether they were..

McCord: ..oh absolutely she..

Imus: ..well maybe she did..

Kinky: ..yeah she did, that was the whole thing, how many souls she could
save for Jesus.  You know, when the Pope sent Mother Teresa out to Los
Angeles, he called her a few months later and to see how things were going,
and she wasn't there and he got her answering machine and it said, "Hi,
this is Terry, I'm not around the phone right now.."

Imus: ..You're just an idiot..

Kinky: "..but your call is important to me.."

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