PBS carried a one-hour, Pew Trust sponsored program called "Affluenza"
tonight about American consumerism. The first 45 minutes were quite good
though the last part on responses focussed solely on individualist
strategies for dropping off the treadmill, not even a hint of actually
challenge corporate control of production.

Still, the program made some good marks in talking about credit cards and
the role of related money problem in breaking up families and in pointing
out some of the advertising tactics being aimed at children. The equation
between high consumption and environmental damage was a little too facile
for my taste but reasonable on the whole.

could be a good resource for small group meetings or classes. they said you
can order the video at 1-800-937-5387.

Thad Williamson
National Center for Economic and Security Alternatives (Washington)/
Union Theological Seminary (New York)

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