> For immediate release
> VANCOUVER, September 23, 1997 -- Yesterday, two University of British
> Columbia (UBC) students were arrested by RCMP officers while participating
> in a non-violent action to raise awareness about the Asia-Pacific Economic
> Co-operation (APEC) Leaders' Summit to be held on campus this November 24
> and 25. 
> The arrested students, Shiraz Dindar, 25, and Mark Luchkow, 22, were
> painting a circle on pavement around the Goddess of Democracy statue which
> commemorates the victims of the Tiananmen Massacre. The students, part of
> a grassroots campus group called APEC ALERT, have dubbed the circle an
> "APEC-Free Zone."
> RCMP arrived on the scene and promptly arrested the people who happened to
> be painting at the time. Dindar and Luchkow were fingerprinted, had their
> photos taken and were charged with mischief. RCMP officers told the
> students, who have no criminal records, that they were told to make the
> arrests by members of the UBC administration. The administration decided
> unilaterally to hold the controversial APEC meeting earlier in the year. 
> Dindar, a sociology student, defended the actions of APEC ALERT: "We're
> trying to establish an APEC-Free Zone, a place where we can be free from
> the tyranny of dictators like General Suharto." Suharto, the President of
> Indonesia, is due to visit UBC this November along with 17 other leaders
> as part of APEC.
> Dindar also scoffed at the charge of mischief against him: "What's more
> mischievious, our line on the pavement, or [UBC] sneaking in APEC withot
> consulting students, faculty or staff?" 
> According to Luchkow, a music student, yesterday's protest by students is
> to draw attention to the negative effects of the APEC process, which aims
> to impose a "free" trade zone in the Asia-Pacific region by the year 2010:
> "I think APEC is a mechanism to create an aura of approval that doesn't
> exist .. having it at a university legitimizes it."
> Members of APEC ALERT are also claiming intimidation from the
> administration in the form of threats from campus security. Security
> officers threatened suspension and academic discipline for the actions of
> APEC ALERT, some of which involve non-violent civil disobedience and are
> unrelated to classroom work. 
> The action yesterday is part of a campaign called "REFUSE APEC!." After
> the arrests, UBC students vowed to increase their awareness-raising
> activities and civil disobedience in order to show their opposition to
> APEC on campus and the APEC agenda in general.
> As part of yesterday's action, a permanent shelter was constructed near
> the Goddess of Democracy statue. Moreover, at a meeting shortly after the
> arrests, UBC students agreed to return to the statue on Monday, September
> 29th at 12:30pm to enlarge their APEC-Free Zone. They intend to have the
> zone reach the Museum of Anthropology -- site of the APEC Leaders' meeting
> -- by November, in time for protests against the Summit. APEC ALERT
> members insist that they will not be intimidated by the administration's
> threats of arrest and suspension in order to exercise their free speech. 
> For more information, or for interviews, contact APEC ALERT at 251-9914 or
>                                  -30-
>                               APEC ALERT
>             ... grassroots action to oppose APEC at UBC ...
>                tel: (604) 251-9914 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                  www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/fuller/apec_alert

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