Comment from a friend:

> Sid.  Thanks so much for sending this--it's the most hilarious thing
> Amiel has ever written.  Could it possibly be the result of whatever
> kind of drugs she is  taking for whatever physical condition she's
> suffering from ( as yet undisclosed by Frank magazine.)  It just goes to
> show, that if you own the papers ( you or someone in your immediate
> family,)  you can get any kind of drivel printed.
> By her reasoning, Sicily ought to be a model deomcracy by now since that
> country has had at least since the end of the second world war to move
> through their necessary-Us imposed-mafia stage to democratic freedoms
> and free markets.
> If we ever wrote a letter with capitalism and robber barons, in the same
> sentence, or even better, comparing energetic entrepreneurs to the
> mafia, it would never get printed.  Hey, Babs tells it  like it is about
> the capitalists.  What a howler.
> Let me share with you, in case you missed it, the letter in the Globe
> and mail this morning, about my favourite hobby-horse, "Mother" Theresa,
> friend of dictators, manipulator of the poor.   Some guy wrote in to
> quote Camara,  the Brazilian priest and activist who was killed by the
> military, who said " When I bring food to the poor as an act of charity,
> they call me a saint; but when I start to ask WHY the people I am
> feeding are poor they call me a Communist"  As the letter writer pointed
> out, Mother Theresa was pretty careful never to ask the question.
> Good thing too or her friends Baby Doc and Ceauscescu would probably
> have had her hauled away.

Sid Shniad

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