In a message dated 97-09-14 19:07:16 EDT, Doug writes (er asks):

>Any thoughts on whether the financial crises in Thailand and Malaysia mark
>the end of the Asian miracle, or are just a little bump in the road with
>minimal real world fallout?
I think the Asian miracle will take a while to die--buuut, I think alot of
the growth in specifically Thailand and Malaysia has been from the over
working of natural resources which are beginning to fade away.  For example,
in Thailand, artificial shrimp and sea farming has destroyed ancient
mangroves and local ecology.  The farms have a short life span, they destroy
the local independent economy, and then move on, sort of like strip mining
the sea and leaving nothing in their wake.  In Malaysia, there has also been
a strong destruction of local ecologies and economies without adequate
long-term replacement.  They are probably both going to have to rely more on
production type industries.  Since the 1980s, there has been some movement in
Malaysia to increase wages--which means that many foreign corporations will
probably close shop and seek better exploitation rates elsewhere.  I don't
know about the labor movement in Thailand, but that close to Laos, China, and
Vietnam, I can't imagine that there isn't something 'cooking'.
maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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