Wojtek argues that irreducibility "would only hold if the universe we 
study was neatly divided into compartments  corresponding  to the 
respective disciplines."  Of course at the molecular level the universe 
is continuous and not compartmentalized.  At the level of 
explanation, phenomena do operate according to different principles.  
How are we to reconcile these apparently contradictory observations.  
Wojtek denies the contradiction, seeing the different explanatory 
principles as ultimately unnecessary or illusory.  Another strategy 
might be to employ the notion of emergent behaviour.  Biology emerges 
from chemistry.  In this sense, biology can be described as a series 
of chemical interactions, but it cannot be _explained_ as a series of 
chemical interactions.  To explain biology, we need specifically 
biological concepts like natural selection.  By analogy, history 
emerges from biology (humans are after all animals).  Human history 
can be described as a complex series of animal behaviors.  But it 
cannot be explained in this way.  To explain history we need 
specifically historical concepts like class.

In another missive, Wojtek describes pomo and identity politics as "a 
bullshit intellectual exercise marketed for college educated 
yuppies..."  Would that it were so.  Eagleton describes pomo as the 
left in defeat,or more specifically in a kind of stunned retreat.  If 
this is the case, as members of the left, we are all implicated in 
it.  If one were to survey non-college educated yuppie left 
individuals one would find pomo has a lot more currency than Marxism. 
This would be even more true at the organizational level though the 
college educated yuppie factor looms larger here.  That said, maybe 
denouncing pomo in these terms is a sound rhetorical strategy given 
the proneness of the left to what we used to call white liberal 

Terry McDonough     

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