I will be leaving on August 19th, at the request of the Tribal 
Council, to work on the Piegan Blackfeet Reservation at Browning 
Montana; the work involves analysis of conditons and options for 
developing some Tribal lands and enterprises as alternatives to the
usual highly volatile and corrupting gambling casinos.

If anyone has done work or has references on the methodologies and 
econometrics involved in the [under]valuation of oil and gas reserves 
and extractions for purposes of [under]valuing royalties due to Indian 
Tribes and Nations (during Reagan/Bush over $5 billion in royalties 
due were not paid), or, work on the billions missing in the BIA Trust 
Fund Accounts, or, work on microcredit, I would really appreciate 
references to such work.

Thanks for any assistance and no this is not another rant.

                            Jim Craven

*                           "Those who take the most from the table,* 
*  James Craven                teach contentment.                   *
*  Dept of Economics         Those for whom the taxes are destined, *
*  Clark College               demand sacrifice.                    * 
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd. Those who eat their fill,              *
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663        speak to the hungry,                 *
*  (360) 992-2283              of wonderful times to come.          * 
*  Fax: (360) 992-2863    Those who lead the country into the abyss,*
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           call ruling difficult,               *
*                              for ordinary folk." (Bertolt Brecht) * 

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