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> Subject: [PEN-L:11620] Re: OJ and a full moon II 
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> To James Craven:                           
> Many thanks for your exhaustive answer to my query.  I now understand
> the legal logic connecting and separating the two Simpson trials,
> but I still feel a cloying sense of wrongness about it on a deeper level.
> Re your later rant on commodification: Here in Milwaukee it seems that 
> every week the number of rolling billboards in the city bus fleet 
> is increasing.  The transit authority (or whoever it's in hock to)
> has been pushing this particular envelope for about 2 years without 
> arousing any organized opposition, so a full fleet of totally commercial
> trompe l'oeil may be in the cards.  Since this treatment darkens the  
> interiors and makes it harder to maintain one's external bearings, 
> the contempt being shown toward hapless passengers could hardly be 
> more blatant.
> This is my "favorite" example of ever-plunging commodification; 
> Chris Whittle's attempted coup with Channel One runs a close second. 
>                                                        valis
>                                                        Occupied America
>                 -- All lies have the same pedigree --
Response (Jim C) I too have a sense of wrongness at a deeper level. 
On the other hand, any crime may involve many dimensions only some of 
which a person may be charged for and may involve damages but with no 
victims left or may involve tangible damages without criminal intent 
or an actual crime having been committed; we therefore supposedly 
separate criminal and tort law. In the criminal case, they use the 
term "guilty" and no pretense (except recently by allowing victims to 
testify at sentencing) of representing the actual victims but rather 
society as a whole (no concrete damages directed to the victims can 
be assessed); in the tort case, they use the term "liable" and make 
no pretense of representing "society" and therefore can only assess 
monetary damages for the direct victims but cannot apply criminal 
penalties for society.

On the point raised by Jim Devine about the Simi valley case in which 
the Cops were charged with Federal Offenses being close to double 
jeapordy, well any crime involves many dimensions, and strictly 
speaking those cops were not charged with the offenses for which they 
were acquitted but rather separate charges that flowed from but were 
separate or distinct from the original charges. In the same fashion, 
Simpson was not charged with murder in the civil trial but rather for 
having caused tangible damages from wrongful death. In fact, had 
Simpson been convicted in the criminal case, that fact supposedly 
could not be used as "evidence" in the tort case and there have been 
cases where someone was found criminally guilty but not liable for 
civil damages (rare but it happens); so the reverse is also possible 
and permissible.

Another example relative to the point Jim Devine raised, in a rape 
case there may be several elements including kidnapping, forcible 
confinement, battery etc as well as rape. Plea bargaining may involve 
dropping some of those charges with the implication that the other 
charges may be filed simultaneously or even separately; there have 
been cases where someone was acquitted for one charge but found 
guilty for others even though all the crimes were tied in with one 
main crime. The LA cops who were tried and convicted on Federal 
Charges were charged and convicted of separate but related charges 
(charges that could not be filed except by federal authorities)--
violation of human rights--and the charges against them were no 
different than filing several separate but related charges against a 
rapist (kidnapping, unlawful confinement, battery etc.). It might 
sound like double jeapordy but that would only apply if the exact 
same charge were tried twice; it just reflects that many crimes 
involve many dimensions and related crimes. Then there is also the 
problem of crimes committed in the course of defense like perjury etc.

                              Jim Craven

*                           "Those who take the most from the table,* 
*  James Craven                teach contentment.                   *
*  Dept of Economics         Those for whom the taxes are destined, *
*  Clark College               demand sacrifice.                    * 
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd. Those who eat their fill,              *
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663        speak to the hungry,                 *
*  (360) 992-2283              of wonderful times to come.          * 
*  Fax: (360) 992-2863    Those who lead the country into the abyss,*
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           call ruling difficult,               *
*                              for ordinary folk." (Bertolt Brecht) * 

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