LOUIS P: The vote in France is dramatic evidence that openings exist for socialist
politics. A renaissance is not only desirable but urgently necessary. The
big lesson of the 1930s is that when the left stands pat with parliamentary
cretinism, the masses will seek revolutionary solutions elsewhere, even
when it is garbed in a black shirt.

KARL: Does Louis Proyect ever give up guys? Here he is coming out
with all this crap concering the French elections beign evidence of
openings for socialist politics. When is he ever going to catch on.
Revolutionary socialist politics is essentailly independent of how
reactionary socialist and stalinist parties are doing in the polls.
The development of revolutionary, not Leninist, socialist politics
is a task stands on its own. 

Louis is constantly looking for signs from heavan of the coming 
socialist millenium. This does not surprise me since he never left 
the US SWP politics behind him.                  
                                    Karl Carlile


                          Yours etc.,

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