ROBIN: I've been off line, but if nobody mentioned Norma Rae
starring Sally Fields, I liked that as a labor film especially as it
portrays the character of a union organizer and a local activist
(Sally Fields) very well. Surprisingly, I think it was more of a
Hollywood film than others such as Matewan.

KARL: I question this trendy lefty stuff about good and bad films. It 
is the kind of thing middle class lefties or lefties aspiring towards 
middleclassania engage  over coffee. It gives them a sense of 
cosy difference and a styled identity: the feeling that they are not 
like other "men".

The point is that the bourgeois film industry with its super rich
movie stars exploit important aspects of life in order to valorise
capital. The film industry is patently a branch of industrial
capital that produces commodities in the form of cineamatic and
video films. Despite the many so called good films they have done
little or nothing to assist in thw working class raising its
consciousness onto a new plane. working class forward. 

                        Karl Carlile

                          Yours etc.,

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