On Fri, 12 Dec 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

> I interviewed Amsden on my radio show yesterday...
[text cut]
> Tapes: $5/program (plus appropriate foreign postage), below. I'm sometimes
> a little slow in fulfilling orders, but they'll get out.

Sounds cool. One thought: why not branch out to broadcast TV as well?
Aren't there heaps of budding socialist videographers in the Big
Apple, or is there any form of community/university TV you could hook up
with? It couldn't be that expensive to do a basic talk-show kind of deal,
and it would be a terrific forum to spread the word and fight the
mass-media fire with fire. Hell, if it clicks you could even get funding
from the saurian sloths and reptilian foundations over at PBS. You could
call it "Wall Street Weekly" or something like that, and get ex-bond
traders from Morgan Stanley on the air to publicly flay the rhetorical
daylights out of Global Money. Or is it just too expensive to do this sort
of thing?

-- Dennis

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