Dennis R Redmond wrote:

>Sounds cool. One thought: why not branch out to broadcast TV as well?
>Aren't there heaps of budding socialist videographers in the Big
>Apple, or is there any form of community/university TV you could hook up
>with? It couldn't be that expensive to do a basic talk-show kind of deal,
>and it would be a terrific forum to spread the word and fight the
>mass-media fire with fire. Hell, if it clicks you could even get funding
>from the saurian sloths and reptilian foundations over at PBS. You could
>call it "Wall Street Weekly" or something like that, and get ex-bond
>traders from Morgan Stanley on the air to publicly flay the rhetorical
>daylights out of Global Money. Or is it just too expensive to do this sort
>of thing?

TV is a much bigger deal. Radio is easy & cheap. As Twyla Tharp said, TV is
about two things, the rectangle & the dollar.


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