In my view, Dilbert is the embodiment of cynicism. His message is that
action to modify one's situation is inherently doomed to failure because
people are all idiots. Perhaps Dilbert is the quintessential post modern

Sid Shniad

> > At 08:15 PM 12/9/97 -0500, Doug Henwood wrote: > 
> >in a socially harmless way. The author's politics are a perfect fit for the
> >way the cartoon is consumed. Don't rebel, don't unionize - laugh at the
> >stupid boss!
> But Doug, laughing and rebelling or unionizing do not have to be mutually
> exclusive.  I w ould go even further by saying that laughter might be a good
> antidote for burnout and cynicism that often results from taking the
> struggle to seriously.
> Regards,
> wojtek sokolowski 
> institute for policy studies
> johns hopkins university
> baltimore, md 21218
> voice: (410) 516-4056
> fax:   (410) 516-8233

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