1. Max's magisterial deconstruction of Dilbert ignored a crucial character:
Phil, the Prince of Insufficient Light, armed with a large spoon. The world
waits for Max's analysis.

2. Libertarians like Scott Adams often have very good senses of humor --
like their cousins the anarchists, but unlike true conservatives. On the
latter, can you imagine one of those kinder-küche-kirche konservatives
(e.g., Jerry Falwell) intentionally evoking a laugh? or a Stalinist doing
so? ("Comrade Beria, that was a rib-tickler!" (stormy applause.))

3. There are a lot of cases of labor revolt -- including in the Russian
Revolution -- in which relatively skilled workers justified their revolt by
saying that they could do the job better than their bosses. 

in pen-l solidarity,

Jim Devine
Jim Devine
Academic version of a Bette Midler song: "you are the hot air beneath my wings."

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