     As someone who encouraged Al Campbell to go pen-l with 
this matter, let me note that the "Papers and Proceedings" 
argument won't work, in fact plays into the AEA's hands.  
The AEA Papers and Proceedings only print papers that are 
AEA sessions, not URPE or other groups.  I think part of 
the agenda here is to squeeze other groups so that the AEA 
itself can have more sessions.
     I am bothered that URPE seems to have been hit 
especially hard here.  The reported overall cutbacks are 
something like 10%, but URPE is getting much higher 
cutbacks.  Allegedly this is based at least partly on 
somebody's study of turnout at sessions.  Well, if turnout 
depends on having your people at the conference, and you 
cut back the number who can be at the conference 
substantially by cutting back their sessions substantially. 
Well, I can see a downward spiral intended to marginalize 
URPE at ASSA in a serious way.
Barkley Rosser
On Thu, 19 Feb 1998 11:25:00 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Susan,
> Is there a way we can send an "electronic petition" to the folks at the AEA?
> There is also the point that though many of us don't attend the AEA meertings
> on a regular basis, we read the proceedings and program.  How costly is it for
> them to keep up an "option demand" (Burton Weisbrod's idea about funding for
> National Parks).
> Jason Hecht

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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