Yes I know you have a lot more meaty stuff to
think about right now. But you all know damn well
that the "Re Utopias" thread may return
eventually. These are just some useful on-line
resources to keep on file for when that happens.

The first item on the list is by me -- because I
don't DO humility. The rest are genuine Robin
Hahnel and Michael Albert compositions.

I've created a summary of the PE model, short on
arguments, long on correct pricing and incentives.
Being the sort who is unable to see a beautifully
balanced machine without getting the urge to
tinker, and being unable to see something good
without criticizing it for not being perfect,
naturally I've added some comments of my own.
Also, naturally, the parts not explicitly labeled
comment are still my personal view of what A&H
meant and are not endorsed by them in any way.
This URL for this is::

A&H also have posted their own summary on this
which is a little more sketchy about how the model
works.  It gives a great sketch of arguments about
why something like Parecon is needed.

Robin Hahnel also gave a talk on disputes and
common ground between democratic planners and
market socialists:

The ZNet bulletin board is now working fine. (Let
it not crash after my saying so publicly). The
forums work via browser, (not by news reader) but
are still a little slow. If you want to get into
the Parecon forums start at
and follow the prompts to forums and parecon

Michael Albert also has ten lectures posted on the
subject which are extremely long and far more
elementary than "Looking Forward".  These can be
found at:

Lastly there is an article of interest on Marxism
by Michael Albert. It does not directly deal with
Parecon, but gives you a better idea of the
overall perspective than led Michael at least to
spend the time it cost to come up with Parecon.
Most of the sources this article cites are join
works by MA and Robin Hahnel, so I assume to
represents (at least in part) Robin Hahnel's
thinking as well.

If anyone is interested in the article I
mentioned, but has to pay per minute to browse,
(or uses a super slow shared browser), I will be
happy to forward any of the above articles upon
request via e-mail.  (The only exception is the
ten lectures, which are too long and in too many
pieces for me to e-mail conveniently.)

You can reach me to request this at


Gar Lipow
Olympia, Washington.

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