
I just read the last issue of Left Business Observer.  There are excellent
articles on the Asian crisis, the U.S. economy, and much more.  Worth a look and
a subscription!  Before Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy got so old, Monthly Review
used to feature such articles in the "Review of the Month," but they don't have
so many such articles these days.  So LBO is a great addition and required
reading along, of course, with Monthly Review.

Michael Yates

James Devine wrote:

> Today, 2/8/98, the Sunday L.A. TIMES book review section has a review of
> Doug Henwood's  WALL STREET, a symposium on the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO with the
> lead essay by Eric Hobsbawm, a review of David Noble's THE RELIGION OF
> TECHNOLOGY by David S. Landes, reviews by Robert Heilbroner Christopher
> Hitchens, etc. It is probably all at somewhere or
> will be soon (I couldn't find it, but I didn't try hard since I have a hard
> copy, something called a "newspaper," delivered to my door everyday).
> The review of Doug's book by John Micklewait of the ECONOMIST magazine says
> that Doug writes well and with a sense of humor but "He is just, well,
> wrong. All the evidence seems to point to the fact that good old red-blooded
> Anglo-Saxon capitalism, for all its excesses and inefficiencies, actually
> seems to work much better than any of the alternatives." For an anti-Henwood
> statement, this is pretty weak, since it includes the word "seems" twice,
> along with weaselish phrasing in general. Micklewait then goes on to stress
> a point of Doug's book: increasing inequality. The review, however, is
> mostly of a book also titled WALL STREET by Charles Geisst.
> in pen-l solidarity,
> Jim Devine

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