James Devine wrote:

>a symposium on the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO with the
>lead essay by Eric Hobsbawm

A good day for Verso in LA, evidently. This no doubt is a spinoff from the
150th Anniversary edition of the CM that Verso's publishing in the spring,
with an intro by Hobsbawm. I haven't seen the Hobsbawm piece yet, but I
have seen mock-ups of the book, and it's a snazzy looking commodity,
featuring a painting of a red flag by artists/pollsters Komar & Melamid.
Barnes & Noble has placed a big order for them for use as cash register
impulse temptations, and the NY Times may do a piece on the ironies of
"marketing Marx." If this all pans out, it will eclipse Verso's 1997
triumph of having a model in Marie Claire holding a copy of Che's
Motorcycle Diaries.


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