> >FROM: Justicevision
> >TO: DTI (Democracy Teach-In) and Stop MAI (Multilateral Agreement on
> >Investments) event organizers and others concerned about the growing
> >influence of corporations upon the political process and our lives
> >
> >Welcome to Democracy University-
> >
> >Justicevision has put together a 6-hour videotape that contains four
> >exceptional presentations on and related to Corporate Rule and the MAI.
> >One is of a talk by Tony Clarke, Canadian labor-rights activist and
> >author of a number of books on corporate rule, including "Silent Coup"
> >and a new one entitled "MAI". His talk was given 10/30/97 at the 2nd
> >annual Alliance for Democracy convention, and is 1 hr. 15 mins. with q&a.
> >
> >
> >Also on the video is an A-V presentation on Corporate Global Dominance by
> >Dr. David Korten, author of "When Corporations Rule the World" and
> >"Getting to the 21st Century", given at the founding convention of the
> >Alliance for Democracy, Nov. '96. It is 39 information-packed minutes
> >long.
> >
> >Another included presentation is by Jane Anne Morris (author of the NIMBY
> >Handbook), Michael Ferner, and Peter Kellman, all of POCLAD (Program On
> >Corporations, Law, and Democracy) which is on the theme of "It's not what
> >corporations do wrong, it's what they do." This presentation is also from
> >the AfD founding convention and is 1 hr. 15 mins.
> >
> >The videotape also has a presentation by Richard Grossman (who launched
> >the corporate charter revocation movement) and Ward Morehouse ("Maximum
> >Wage" advocate and publisher of the "Too Much" newsletter), as well as
> >the talks given by Howard Zinn and Molly Ivins at the founding convention
> >of the Alliance for Democracy (about 30 minutes each), and 4 entertaining
> >and informative songs by protest singer- guitarist Tom Neilson.
> >
> >We will be happy to send you all of this on one 6-hour videotape for
> >unrestricted use, if you will send us a donation of $10 (or more) after
> >you receive it. We also ask that you help us maintain our accessible
> >price by doing a little word of mouth advertising for us, so that we can
> >focus on making and sending out videos (traditional advertising would
> >require us to at least double our price). Please post and pass this
> >information to everyone that might be interested (see the Volunteer
> >Incentive Plan in the Footnote below).
> >
> >You may order by phone or email. Please leave your name, address, a phone
> >number for our records, and tell us which tape you are requesting. You
> >can call this tape Democracy University Vol. 2, or simply DU#2, or just
> >the MAI tape. Thank you very much for supporting this effort!
> >
> >Ralph Cole, organizer, Justicevision
> >(213) 747-6345; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >This message would not have reached you had it not been for those that
> >took the time to pass it on to you. I know they would appreciate your
> >thanks and maybe a small donation (perhaps $1 to each to compensate them
> >a little for their time and effort) if you care to show your appreciation
> >in that manner, whether or not you choose to order the video tape. In
> >case I am unable to fill your order promptly for some reason (like I get
> >overwhelmed with orders or something), you should wait until your tape
> >arrives. (Although I am always appreciative of donations, if my name is
> >included it is merely as a place holder to start off the list, and should
> >be considered as such.)  REMINDER: your $10 pledged donation for the
> >videotape itself is to be sent to Justicevision AFTER we send you the
> >videotape in the mail (to avoid misunderstandings we prefer that you do
> >not pay in advance).  Thank you gifts to the following list are optional;
> >they are separate from the pledge and can only be in addition to it,
> >since they do not help to pay the cost of making the 6-hour Democracy
> >University videotape and sending to you.
> >
> >The five volunteers (or organizations) last responsible for passing this
> >information  to you are:
> >
> >1. Ralph Cole, Justicevision
> >1425 W.12th St. #262
> >Los Angeles, CA, USA 90015  (place holder only-see preceding paragraph)
> >
> >2. Ralph Cole, Justicevision
> >1425 W.12th St. #262
> >Los Angeles, CA, USA 90015  (place holder only-see preceding paragraph)
> >
> >3. Ralph Cole, Justicevision
> >1425 W.12th St. #262
> >Los Angeles, CA, USA 90015  (place holder only-see preceding paragraph)
> >
> >4. Ralph Cole, Justicevision
> >1425 W.12th St. #262
> >Los Angeles, CA, USA 90015  (place holder only-see preceding paragraph)
> >
> >5. Ralph Cole, Justicevision
> >1425 W.12th St. #262
> >Los Angeles, CA, USA 90015  (place holder only-see preceding paragraph)
> >
> >
> >I devised this plan in the hope that it will enable me to focus on
> >making  tapes instead of on getting orders. My thinking is that the same
> >thing that motivates people to donate for a tape they have already
> >received will motivate many of them to send something to those that
> >brought them the information, as well.
> >
> >To participate in the volunteer incentive plan, add your (or your
> >organization's) name and address in space 5 and move everybody else up
> >one (dropping the name at the top). Then fax, email, snail mail, post, or
> >whatever, this entire message anywhere it is not inappropriate to do so.
> >Please use discretion and be careful not to post or send it where it is
> >going to bother or offend someone.
> >
> >Fresh and/or updated copies of the body of this letter will be emailed
> >upon request (specify the DU#2 letter). If you do get a fresh copy from
> >me, be sure to paste in the volunteer list you received (revising it to
> >include you, of course).
> >
> >Suggestions for revisions would be appreciated and will be considered.
> >
> >You do not have to order the tape to participate in the volunteer
> >incentive plan.
> >
> >Thank you very much for volunteering. I have no idea how this is going to
> >work, or what to expect. I just hope Margaret Meade is not disappointed,
> >wherever she is.
> >
> >I hope the incentive plan succeeds in providing our volunteers with a
> >just and/or sustaining  compensation for there contributed time and
> >effort. Please share your experience with me from time to time.
> >
> >Thank you very much for joining in the effort to make Democracy
> >University a success!
> >
> >
> >_____________________________________________________________________
> >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
> >Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
> >Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
> >
> >

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