Aside from those rather snide comments, I think the more interesting question
is how to get some of these lefty journals talking to each other and the rest
of the profession rather than addressing their little piece of audience.
Feminist Economics was named one of the year's best journals primarily because
it appeals to a broad spectrum of feminist economics.  I think if the debate
amongst other heterodox journals became more interactive, there would be not
choice but for the rest of the profession to join in the debate.

maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Response: Or, perhaps better than the various "heterodox" journals 
talking to each other, perhaps they might try "talking" [with rather 
than to] the subjects/objects of "heterodox" analysis--"the great 
unwashed masses". Perhaps also, they might try linking/deriving 
concrete theory with concrete struggles that matter in the scheme of 
things. Perhaps they might try sounding less like Talcott Parsons 
(saying what everybody knows in language nobody except a few insiders 
can undrstand) and less waxing esoteric and start speaking/writing in 
comprehensible language on comprehensible issues. Perhaps they might 
try using math as a tool to illuminate when necessary and to 
the extent necessary rather than as an instrument for dressing up 
banal ideas, as an end in itself or an instrument of "respectability" 
among the "mainstreams."

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