MScoleman wrote:

>  I also happen to think that Buchanan is one of the more honest conservatives,
>  however lothesome his beliefs.  He has become no less conservative, just
> evolved  into a different species than the liberatarian globalists that came to
> dominate  the Republicans under Reagan.
>   >>

Why honest?  Why not ambitious?  He is appealing to a crowd of social
conservatives who have been hurt by right wing policies.  B. can attack
globalization and thereby reinforce distrust at home of blacks, asian, and any
other possible scapegoat groups.  He can win the support of industries that are
hurt by trade (Milikin, the S. Carolina textile man) and thus have enough chips to
earn a seat at the table of power.

What exactly has Buchanan done do earn him a position as a national figure.
Honest Pat?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 916-898-5321

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