Doug emotes:
> Nathan Newman wrote:
> >IMF funding is a real tactical division: I very much doubt labor allies in
> >South
> >Korea, for example, support cutting off IMF funding.  They would like
> >support in
> >easing the terms of the IMF in exchange for funds, but merely shutting
> >down the
> >pipeline won't help workers there.
> This is a perfect illustration of how Washington is death to both the
> intellect and to politics. All big questions get boiled down to some simple
> forced choice yes or no on some stinking bill or other. 

Twelve years of multiple-choice testing handily prepare the electorate for  
this highly manipulable presentation of its social / political options;
with plummeting literacy levels the essay question _per se_ now appears
as a crass imposition as well as a liability.
Channel-surfing is the current strategy for exercising school-age minds
out there in the `burbs, while Asian-American kids throw homework parties!

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