Thomas Kruse wrote:

>I wasn't paying close enough attention to a thread a bit ago entitled, I
>belive, "what went right".  If memory serves, the discussion was in part on
>the creation of new jobs in the US.  Does anyone have handy some of the data
>from that thread, in particular the rate at which new jobs are/were being
>created in the last 2 years?  It'd be interesting to see how that compares
>to numbers of those downsized.

March 1996-March 1997, 3.1 million jobs.
March 1995-March 1997, 7.8 million.
February 1992 (the trough in employment)-March 1997, 16.4 million.

These are net figures, and so take account of downsizing. The downsizing
numbers are compiled by a Chicago-based headhunting firm, Challenger, Gray,
and Christmas. The cover only announced intentions by Fortune 500-sized
firms. I taped an interview with Challenger a couple of years ago for
possible broadcast, but I never ran it, because he said that most of those
who were bounced found re-employment quickly. Running a headhunting firm,
he would say that, but it undercuts some of the melodrama of their monthly


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