At 05:50 p.m. 3/21/98 +1100, Rob wrote:
>... There's an inbuilt crunch in all this, but one senses bad years lie
before us as capitalism insists on chasing down those errant externalities
until all is capital and nothing anything else.<

there's an asymmetry here: capitalists try mightily to capture and
internalize external benefits -- but they also figure out ways to identify
and externalize internal costs.

>Having captured us as individuals, capitalism now begins to capture the
relationships that constitute us.  I suppose the idea is to make sure the
forces of production actually become the same thing as the relations of
production.  Bingo, the end of history, eh?<

Of course this scenario assumes no resistance from workers and other
oppressed folks.

in pen-l solidarity,

"Life is like a shit sandwich. But if you've got enought bread, you don't
taste the shit." -- Jonathan Winters.

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