At 14:54 10/06/98 -0700, Jim Devine wrote:
>So we basically agree (since you accept, however provisionally, the
>existence of reality), except for some of the terminology. Saying "it would
>be nice if this idea were 'true'" is equivalent (I believe) to my assertion
>that the realist postulate (that empirical reality exists independent of
>our perception of it) seems necessary  to rational thought.

This basic point is present in most of what Jim is saying on this
discussion. But I think it is a weak point from scientific perspective
itself. Hisenberg's (sp?) uncertainty principle asserts that the "objective
reality" is completely implicated with the "subjective perception" of it.
Jim's position above would render Hisenberg's uncertainty principle and a
lot of quantum physics "irrational thought". As a matter of fact many
modern quantum theorists are trying to remove the subject by creating the
idea of "multiverse", where infinite universes exist simultaneously and all
the infinite possibilities of all the events take place in the infinite
universes simultaneously. For example, I'm not only typing these letters
right now but also playing soccer in the world cup in some other universe,
and both of these are equally objectively true. But I have a feeling that
the idea of "multiverse" would create much more problem for Jim's "realist
postulate". Cheers, ajit sinha 

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