G'day Penners,

Peter writes:

>I like Jim Devine's idea of writing a text like Understanding Capitalism
>but with more and better macro, and more on race and gender.  To this I
>would add material on alternatives, including participatory socialism, and
>more on the meaning of global capitalism for the North and South including
>some material on neoliberalism, debt and alternative strategies for
>development.  Finally, I would add a chapter or section on environment and
>sustainability. Such a book still would be less than an encyclopedia
>although it would have more history than neoclassical texts.

It's a terrific idea!  Of course, I'm not up to contributing, but I am in a
position to guarantee a sale.  On alternatives (something we lefties insist
on either taken as given or just avoiding as a topic altogether), might I
suggest a component there which simplifies and synthesises market socialism
arguments (y'know, the feasability line of a Nove with the critiques of a

And yeah, mebbe an appendix of neo-liberal economics' necessary theoretical
assumptions juxtaposed with their empirical refutations (eg 'continuum of
traders' or 'stability of preferences') - someone alluded to a series of
myths being duly exploded - I think that could be done in a series of
punchy paragraphs, meself.

Go to it, comrades!

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