On Fri, May 29, 1998 at 11:57:25 (-0700) James Devine writes:
>I thought that William Baumol was a smart guy, however ideological he might
>be. But on pages 237 and 238 of his into textbook (written with Alan
>Blinder, a similar sort) he implies (without saying so) that price controls
>on potato prices contributed to the great potato famine. He quotes some
>hoary old guy (Mountifort Longfield) writing in 1843 instead of even a nod
>in the direction of Sen's analysis of famines... 
>I've got a bunch of MBA students reading this. I'm tempted to veer from my
>energy-saving strategy of "simply teaching the standard stuff to get my 6
>grand" to rant & rave about the reason my ancestors _really_ came over here. 

I think Alexander Cockburn wrote about this in the Nation (?) at one
point.  You might try leafing through the index to his book
Corruptions of Empire to see if you can dig it up --- might save you
some energy.


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