At 10:46 26/05/00 -0700, you wrote:
>At 08:05 AM 05/26/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>>At 08:44 25/05/00 -0700, Jim D wrote:
>>>I don't want to get into quote-mongering (or to rehearsing old debates 
>>>from Marxism-thaxis -- BTW, what in 'ell is "thaxis"?)
>>Marxism-thaxis is one of the life forms in virtual marxism-space, which 
>>had its own evolutionary history, birth, childhood, adolescence, and 
>>maturation. Whether it goes on to be a white dwarf or a red giant is 
>>beyond the individual will of any one individual. But I will leave Rob 
>>Schaap as one of the co-moderators to give you more personal details.
>but what is "thaxis"? I know what "praxis" is.

theory and praxis. The alternative was to continue to call themselves 
marxism2. Theory was thought to imply a possible separation from praxis.

Chris Burford


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