Dear pen-l'rs,

Here are the voices of the Russian workers and their position on the


Russian Unions, Communists Disagree Over Strike Demands

Moscow, Aug 13 (Interfax) -- Trade Unions will put forward their own
slogans, differing from the demands of the Communist Party of Russia
(CPRF), during the protest action in the fall, said the secretary of the

Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions Andrey Isayev.
  Isayev criticized leader of the Communist Party Gennadiy Zyuganov's
remarks that "formation of a popular trust government" should become the

chief demand of the protest.
  "Communists think that such a government would be formed under the
leadership of the [Communist dominated] State Duma.  However, the trade
unions have their own attitude to the lower parliamentary house," he
  "Deputies failed to adopt a single socially significant law in the
interests of workers.  They set up a shamefully low minimum wage level,
ignore the demands for enforcing legal responsibility of the employer
overdue wages.  At the same time, they push through the anti-trade union

law on labor and dutifully vote on all the budgets proposed by the
government," he said.
  "The legislative branch is no less to blame than the executive one for

the current situation in the country.  It is shameless to expect hungry
people to play as extras in the officials' game under the cover of
a popular trust government," he said.
  "A complete and unequivocal settlement of wage arrears, changes in the

social and economic policy and simultaneous early presidential and Duma
elections will become the chief demands of the All-Russian strike which
trade unions alone have the right to declare, not political parties," he

  The federation's general council will make a final decision on the
issue on August 27.

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