To whom....,

        Yet again, Louis Proyect is deliberately trying to undermine and
ruin *another* discussion list.  I have been on four lists that he has
done this too and the pattern is always identical.  He finds some
scapegoat and then makes wilder and wilder charges until he gets people
worked up. The Freedom of Information Act is his new cudgel.  He threatens
to denounce people as Vichy collaborators or some idiocy until he gets his
way and the list capitulates.  C. Proyect has a wonderful intellect and is
a great contributor to the lists he's on - until he starts the inevitable

        I'm not sure whether he has the nerve to do the same to Doug
Henwood's new list, but I am sure he would be much happier if we all would
simply face our destiny and meekly fall under Proyect's "moderation". Only
in ProyectReich is the thinking pure.

        When C. Proyect is contributing to a list he could not be more
helpful to Marxist discussion on the Internet.  When he engages in this
stuff he could not be more destructive if he was in the direct employ of
the CIA which, given his history, is not so utterly preposterous as it
might otherwise seem, although I'm quite sure that the behavior is simply
rooted in childishness. 


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