On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Louis Proyect wrote:

> As it turns out, there were ZERO occurrences of the word "fuck" on PEN-L,
> while there were 26 occurrences on the Progressive Sociology archives. So
> when Don Roper said that PEN-L had more occurrences than any other
> mailing-list, clearly he was lying. I only wonder why he didn't bother to
> check his facts first. I suppose that it is in the nature of a bully to
> assume that he is always in the right.

Don suggested that searches be done on individual lists under
rather than under http://csf.colorado.edu/econ
and http://csf.colorado.edu/soc
because the latter two composites are incomplete for the individual lists.
And, it turns out, the search engine for
http://csf.colorado.edu/econ  was broken, thus Proyect's finding of zero

When you do the more complete search for the string "fuck" as suggested by
Don you get the following results: 

Ecological and Sustainable Economics:  10 hits on 10 files
ELAN (Environment-Latin America Net:    0          0
IPE (International Political Economy)   1          1
WSN (World Systems Network)             30         9
PKT (Post-Keynesian Thought)            18          14
Homeless                                44          27

PEN-L                                  108         82

As someone who has worked with Don since the very beginning of CSF and who
witnesses the amount of time and resources he puts into this server, I am
fed up with innuendoes and now spurious accusations. If progressives
cannot trust each other and communicate with respect despite ideological
and/or procedural differences, our struggles for social change are doomed
to failure.

in solidarity,


Martha E. Gimenez


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