> >>Help me with the lingo please: what does it mean to "go postal"?
> >This refers to the postal workers who occasionally snap from the pressure
> >and bring guns to work and start shooting their supervisors or fellow
> >workers. There was a rash of this in recent years.

   There has indeed  been an intensive productivity drive for a 
number of years at the post office, and the atmosphere can get 
almost military. At the same time, there has been pressure on wages 
and benefits. Naturally the postal workers were promised that 
eventually they would reap some benefit from all their sacrifices, 
and naturally each sacrifice only led to more sacrifices. This year's 
contract negotations comes during a period during which the post 
office has been making oodles of money, while the productivity drive 
has been as intense as ever. Yet the workers get crumbs.

        The tentative contract is quite unpopular. There is a chance it will 
be voted down nationally. Even the vice-president, William Burris, of 
the APWU has denounced the settlement, although--as a good union 
bureaucrat--he didn't advise voting no on it. (The Washington Post, 
Dec. 9, 1998) A number of postal workers are campaigning against this 
contract. There will be a mail-in ballot, from about Dec. 17 to Jan. 
4. Please help militant postal workers by spreading the information 
about the contract settlement to any postal workers you know.

        I include below a leaflet which has been distributed among a number 
of postal workers in the Detroit area, and which has had an excellent 
reception there:

  *Vote NO! The tentative contract settlement
           is an insult!*
  (from Detroit Workers' Voice, Dec. 9, 1998, #21)

     Tentative contract agreements have just been 
reached between USPS management and the unions 
representing clerks and mail handlers. As we write, an 
agreement with the letter carriers' union has yet to 
take place, but it likely will be patterned on the 
other agreements. These contracts are a complete insult 
which should be voted down by the rank and file.

     Over the last four years USPS management has made 
some $5 billion in profits. These profits come from the 
sweat and blood of postal workers. They come from ever-
heavier workloads, from keeping a tight lid on wages 
and benefits, and from farming out postal work in 
various privatization schemes. Does USPS management 
reward the workers for their efforts? No. They offer us 
a contact which offers us a few tiny crumbs, which does 
nothing to protect us from increased work burdens and 
allows even more privatization. They are saying in 
effect that "we got away with treating you like dirt 
for the last four years (and more), so we will continue 
to treat you like dirt with this new contract."

     USPS management is trying to ram this rotten 
contract down our throats with the help of the national 
postal union leaderships. The APWU (clerks) and the 
NPMHU (mail handlers) national leaderships are bragging 
what a great contract they have won. Here's what they 
consider a great victory:

           *Billions for management,
           peanuts for the workers*

     While profits have been pouring in hand over fist, 
this new contract contains a pitiful wage increase of 
2.0% in the first year and 1.4% in the second year. 
Wow, how generous! This amounts to a puny $12 per week 
increase in the size of a Level 5 workers' paycheck 
after 2 years. Originally management offered no wage 
increase but only two lump-sum payments totaling $1900. 
This sucked. But isn't it also an insult that the total 
amount of basic wage increases a worker would get in 
the present agreement is only about $1.37 per week more 
than management's original lump-sum offer? Meanwhile, 
outgoing Postmaster General Marvin Runyon got a 
retirement package worth over a million dollars for his 
brief stay as chief slave-driver and was treated to a 
retirement party that cost $150,000.

     The union leaders also tout a tiny increase in the 
share of health insurance costs to be paid by the USPS, 
resulting in the employees' share being reduced to 15%. 
But this doesn't begin to make up for the fact that, 
before the last contract, the employees' share was only 
10%. So with this new "victory" workers will still pay 
5% more of the share of health costs than 5 years ago!

            *More privatization*

     The APWU and NPMHU leaders are boasting that this 
contract contains powerful protections against 
privatization. This is a lie. There is a so-called 18-
month "moratorium" on new national privatization 
agreements. But it's not worth the paper it's written 
on because the proposed contract also allows management 
to establish 25 new privatized priority mail centers. 
Moreover, what happens after the 18 months? That 
doesn't even cover the length of the contract. So 
management could privatize whatever it damn well 
pleases in the last 6 months of the contract!

     True, one of the 25 subcontracted facilities will 
use postal employees. But this is just an experiment to 
see if the work can be done just as cheaply by postal 
employees. It's a lose-lose situation for the postal 
workers. If the work isn't done as cheaply, 
privatization goes ahead. But if postal workers work 
just as cheaply, this means they will have to accept 
increased workloads and poorer compensation. In other 
words, this is just another attempt at driving down 
postal workers' conditions by threatening them with 
privatization. It's a method of pitting one group of 
workers against another to the detriment of both.

         *Increasing use of casuals*

     In its never-ending drive for slave-labor, 
management would like to replace as many career workers 
as possible with low-wage casuals who work only at 
management's whim. The NPMHU agreement states that the 
cap on the percentage of casuals employed at an 
installation will rise to 12.5%.

        *Vote NO on the sellout agreement,
              prepare for struggle!*

     Management has been running roughshod over us for 
too long. Now is the time to stand up against them. 
Let's have a massive NO vote against the contract.

     But we cannot simply vote NO and rest easy. If the 
contract is rejected, management and the union 
leaderships will then take the contract to arbitration. 
History has proven that contracts that go to 
arbitration come back with little for the workers. 
That's why management in the past has shown little 
inclination to reach a negotiated settlement. The 
arbitration boards are closely tied to the same fat-cat 
capitalist establishment that has been on a rampage 
against the jobs and conditions of the workers across 
the country.

     If there is to be a serious struggle for a decent 
contract, the rank-and-file must mobilize themselves 
for mass action. The more a protest movement against 
the contract can be built, the more pressure will be 
put on management and the arbitrators to give us what 
we deserve. Who will organize such a movement? Some 
local union leaders like the APWU's Roger Holbrook have 
voiced criticism of the local contract. But the track 
record of the local leaders show they cannot be relied 
upon to build serious resistance to management or that 
they are interested in mobilizing the bulk of workers 
for a real fight. That task must be undertaken by the 
rank-and-file itself.

     As we encourage our co-workers to vote NO, let's 
also discuss what forms we can use to build up a mass 
protest movement. True, postal strikes are illegal. But 
this is only another reason that we must get organized. 
If workers are not yet prepared to defy the anti-strike 
law, let's organize other protests to help unify our 
ranks and put us in a better position to use even more 
powerful forms of struggle in the future. We don't have 
to sit passively by while others decide our fate. Let's 
take matters into our own hands. <>

Joseph Green
"Communist Voice" magazine website:
Joseph Green

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