>As I said before, you are probably more antagonistic to China than 
>anybody else on the list.

I take extremely strong exception to your claim that I am 
"antagonistic to China."

I am not "antagonistic to China." The people of China are our 
brothers and sisters who need and deserve much help in accelerating 
their pace of economic development. The civilization of China has 
been one of the most fruitful for world development and progress that 
has existed on the globe during the past three millennia.

I do think that China is well rid of the government it had between 
1949 and, say, 1975 (and that there is still plenty of room for 
improvement in China's ruling regime).

More important, I think that we should learn truth from facts, and 
not ignore facts merely because they are unpleasant to think about: 
those who fail to remember history are condemned to repeat it--and 
unfortunately the rest of us are condemned to repeat it with them.

Brad DeLong

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