>Just to open a small parenthesis here. I was in fact criticizing Dorman
>and Hahnel against the claim that they were progressive.

Excuse me for jumping in here but I just signed onto the list and didn't have 
access to this discussion earlier.  I just wanted to say a few things 
regarding Hahnel & Albert.

While I've not read "Looking Forward" I have participated in ZNet & can say 
that Hahnel & Albert's anti-Marxism is more anti-Leninism.  Trotsky's warm 
remarks regarding increasing management power quoted by Louis are precisely 
the kind of centralized control rejected in participatory economics.  Perhaps 
Louis read about balanced job complexes and suddenly saw a future where he 
might have to help sweep the shop & scrub the john.  

It should be pointed out that Tariq Ali has recently opened a forum on ZNet.  
This would seem to indicate that Albert's position is a bit more complex than 
reflexive anti-Marxism.

Regarding utopianism, I thought regaining some semblance of vision was all 
the rage on the Left these days.  I realize there remains a great deal of 
self-consciousness regarding these speculations.  Immanuel Wallerstein 
actually invented a new word, "Utopistics," to provide cover for such 



>By this sort of definition, there must be about 347 "progressives" in 
>the U.S., and 5,132 around the world. But as Lenin said, better fewer 
>but better.


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