Not my assessment, but Marx's. And he was referring to the Principles of
Political Economy, not to the works you list. I happen to like J.S. Mill although
I have an aversion to his father.


Brad De Long wrote:

> >Marx's complain against J. S. Mill was that he was mediocre, and looked good
> >simply because the competition was so dreadful. Mediocre because he confined
> >himself to study surface phenomena, rather than to look at the real motor of
> >history.
> >
> >Rod
> >
> _The Subjection of Women_; _On Liberty_; and _Representative
> Government_ still stand up pretty well. The "Essay on Bentham" is a
> sensitive positive critique of utilitarianism.
> And it seems to me likely that Harriet Taylor had more fun than Jenny
> von Westphalen...
> Brad DeLong

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

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