<< Radical feminists do not find them perfect either. That being said,
however, they were the ones who first raised the question of Women in

>Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg would also be surprsied to hear
>it took Shulamith Firestone to raise The Woman Question in Marxism. Mine,
>you gotta hit the boooks--jks

http://www.marxists.org/glossary/index.htm;  Zetkin, Clara (1857-1933) 

A prominent figure in the German and international workers' movement, most
notably in the struggles womens workers' movement. From 1895, a National
Executive member of the German SPD, and on its left-wing;  member of the
Bookbinders Union in Stuttgart, and active in the Tailors and Seamstresses
Union, becoming its provisional International Secretary in 1896, despite
the fact that it was illegal for women to be members of trade unions in
Germany at that time. As Secretary of the International Bureau of
Socialist Women, Zetkin organised the Socialist Women's Conference in
March 1915. Along with Alexandra Kollontai, Zetkin fought for unrestricted
suffrage, and against the 'bourgeois feminist' position supporting the
restriction of the vote by property or income. Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg
led the left-wing and waged a fierce struggle against revisionism as well
as the center represented by Kautsky. During the War joined the
Spartacists along with Luxemburg and Liebknecht. A founding member of the
German Communist Party in 1918 along with comrades including Karl
Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.  Became a delegate to the Reichstag from
1920; secretary of the International Women's Secretariat and member of the
Executive Committee of the Communist International from 1921, but lived in
Russia from 1924 until her death in 1933. 


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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