Eugene Coyle wrote:

> I would be very careful about getting close to Albert Bartlett.
> He is a key
> figure in the zero population and anti-immigrant world.
>     He turns his interesting arithmetic into an argument for solving
> environmental and resource problems by dealing with population
> and little else.

I think you are missing the point rather. Let me put it this way: did
Newton's theories about alchemy disqualify him as a scientist who discovered
the laws of gravity? Did Pascal's weird religious mysticism disqualify him
as a mathematician? Does Bartlett's arithmetic not count because Bartlett
has unaccaptable ideas about population? Don't think so. If you think his
arithmetic, what show the unsustainability of capitalisms's energetics-base,
is 'interesting' what do you propose to do about it, other than change the

Mark Jones

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