I propose to work on cutting work and cutting consumption, not get involved
with racist population fanatics.

    And by the way, compound interest is an old discovery.

Gene Coyle

Mark Jones wrote:

>  Eugene Coyle wrote:
> > I would be very careful about getting close to Albert Bartlett.
> > He is a key
> > figure in the zero population and anti-immigrant world.
> >
> >     He turns his interesting arithmetic into an argument for solving
> > environmental and resource problems by dealing with population
> > and little else.
> >
> I think you are missing the point rather. Let me put it this way: did
> Newton's theories about alchemy disqualify him as a scientist who discovered
> the laws of gravity? Did Pascal's weird religious mysticism disqualify him
> as a mathematician? Does Bartlett's arithmetic not count because Bartlett
> has unaccaptable ideas about population? Don't think so. If you think his
> arithmetic, what show the unsustainability of capitalisms's energetics-base,
> is 'interesting' what do you propose to do about it, other than change the
> subject?
> Mark Jones
> http://www.egroups.com/group/CrashList

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