>Citing Marx on a soil crisis 150 years ago doesn't do much to promote 
>the catastrophist vision; the soil hasn't only survived, it's a lot 
>more productive than it was then.

Of course it is more productive. But that is not the point that Marx was
making. Do you understand this? Let me spell it out. Midwest farms are the
most productive in the world, but they are creating terrible environmental
problems, including the following:

1. fertilizer runoff is killing marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.
2. pesticides are causing a breast cancer epidemic in affected regions.
3. monoculture production requires increased pesticide and chemical
fertilizer input, which in turn makes the crops ever more vulnerable since,
for example, pests develop resistance to poisons.

More information on this can be found in your local library.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

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