The New York Times
June 19, 2000, Monday, Late Edition - Final
SECTION: Section A; Page 4; Column 3; Foreign Desk
HEADLINE: Tsuu T'ina Journal;
Indians Stalk a Silent, Deadly Enemy in the Prairie
DATELINE: TSUU T'INA, Alberta, June 1

As a boy during the Korean War, Samuel Simon would ride his horse 
through buffalo grass here to a prairie bluff, where he watched 
Canadian war jets fly out of Calgary, scream overhead and then 
unleash ground-shaking rockets on a bombing range built on tribal 

"We would watch the planes flying over and shooting rockets," Mr. 
Simon, who is now 58 years old, said recently. "They used old cars as 
targets. But sometimes, we would see two rockets and then just one 

Standing on the same bluff almost half a century later, Mr. Simon 
surveyed a different view. To the east, the suburbs of Calgary have 
swallowed the old air base and now lap at the edges of the Indian 
reserve. To the west, with the snow-covered Rockies as a backdrop, 
teams of Tsuu T'ina Indians trained as ordnance-disposal workers 
methodically probed the prairie with metal detectors. A military 
ambulance was parked on a hill, its red cross prominent in the 
dun-colored landscape.

It is a little known footnote to the military history of North 
America that when wars loomed in the 20th century, military planners 
in Canada and the United States repeatedly turned to the native 
peoples of the West and took control, through leases or outright 
expropriation, of large swaths of land for bombing ranges.

In the United States, at least 16 tribes have land contaminated with 
the litter of bombs, or with a more dangerous kind of pollution: 
unexploded bombs lying buried in the ground.

The list includes buried ammunition in two native areas in Alaska, an 
old gunnery range at the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona, a 
target range on Timbisha Shoshone land in Death Valley, Calif., a 
bomb-testing range on the Red Lake Reservation in Minnesota, a 
weapons testing range on Paiute land in Nevada, old ranges on the 
lands of three New Mexico pueblos, and four bombing ranges in South 
Dakota including the 54-square-mile Badlands Bombing Range on Lakota 
Sioux land in Pine Ridge.

In Canada, the pattern was similar, with old bombing ranges on half a 
dozen Indian reserves from British Columbia to Ontario. Brian Lloyd, 
a former British Army bomb-disposal expert who directs cleanup 
operations here, said: "In Canada, the military acted like a giant, 
using Indian land like stepping stones across the country. You find 
an Indian nation, and you find range contamination."

Agreement on that comes easily on this reservation of 1,200 people, 
linguistic cousins of the Navajos and Apaches of the American 

"They figured, 'It's Indian land, and what the heck, if we use bombs 
and explosives and the Indians come and blow themselves up, what's 
the loss?' " Mr. Simon said bitterly.

One early spring morning in 1953, when he was 11, Mr. Simon was out 
on the range, picking up casings to sell to a Calgary scrap metal 
dealer. He recalls retrieving from the brush a shell without a top. 
After moving it, he continued, "I saw heat waves. I thought, 'This 
thing is going to blow up.' "

He tried to throw it, but the ice-covered casing slipped in his 
hands. The ensuing explosion threw him 150 feet. "My grandmother, my 
brother and my auntie were all blown flat," he said, all wounded in 
the blast. Today, he carries 11 pieces of shrapnel in his body.

But now, things are changing.

On March 31, the 90-year military lease on Tsuu T'ina land expired, 
ending military control over 12,000 acres -- one-sixth of the 
reservation -- that had started in 1910. As other Canadian and 
American tribes study cleaning up old bombing ranges on their lands, 
this one plans to hold in July what it describes as North America's 
first native conference on military cleanup.

For this tribe, which operates a business park and golf courses, 
there is profit in explosives disposal. In 1986, after the Canadian 
military did a halfhearted cleanup job here, the tribe formed the 
Wolf's Flat Ordnance Disposal Corporation, the only such native-owned 
and operated company in North America. Working on government 
contracts, this company, with 136 full- and part-time employees, has 
also cleared mines in Kosovo, Panama and Nicaragua.

The recent protests against the use of part of the island of Vieques 
in Puerto Rico as a live-fire training site for the American Navy 
have fostered hopes for eventual cleanup contracts there. Right now, 
however, Tsuu T'ina leaders complain that the American 
ordnance-disposal market is closed to Canadians because of Pentagon 
rules requiring technicians certified in the United States.

Canada's government, which promotes land-mine clearance worldwide, 
has paid the tribal company to clean up the range here, believing 
that the natives had more incentive to clean up their land than the 
soldiers did.

"In 1981, the military had 1,000 soldiers in here for 16 days," Mr. 
Lloyd said. They certified the land free and clear of explosives, and 
then dumped it back on the nation. Since the military declared the 
land cleared, we have pulled out one million items of ordnance, 
expended rounds, live rounds."

With the oldest pieces dating to 1896, the range here was littered 
with weaponry from Canada's participation in the Boer War, World War 
I, World War II and the Korean War. There were high-explosive mortar 
shells, 60-pound shrapnel-filled howitzer rounds, .50-caliber 
machine-gun bullets, air-to-ground rockets, land mines, flares, riot 
control projectiles and even two rusting rifles, apparently lost by 
absent-minded soldiers.

"The rule was, 'If you sign it out, don't bring it back,' " said Roy 
Whitney, the tribal chief. "We found boxes of grenades from the 
Second World War that were just buried in the ground because they 
didn't want to take them back."

For cleanup crews, one of the biggest dangers has been buried 
phosphorous shells. On contact with air, they can resume burning even 
after a 50-year hiatus.

With about 90 percent of the 12,000 acres cleaned up, entirely 
without accident, tribal leaders are now debating development plans 
for Indian land along the edge of the reserve already disturbed by 
military construction: 45 holes of golf, shopping centers, a casino, 
residential developments on 75-year leases, even a freeway with 
electronic toll collection to the sprawling southern and western 
suburbs of Calgary, a city expected to hit one million in population 
by 2010.

On the spiritual side, tribal elders are planning to hold a land 
renewal ceremony this summer. Joe Big Plume, an 82-year-old retired 
professional pool player, said he plans a spiritual cleansing 
ceremony that will include traditional prayers, feasting and dances.

"We thought we did the army a favor, leasing our land to them, 
letting them train on it," Mr. Big Plume said. "We did not know they 
would abuse the land. You still can't just go and plow anyplace; you 
are going to hit a live bomb."
GRAPHIC: Photos: Tsuu T'ina Indians are clearing explosives from an 
old test site on their land. Heather Meguinis uses a metal detector 
as Garvin Otter digs. Joe Big Plume, below left, surveys the range 
with a nephew, Samuel Simon. (Photographs by Ian Jackson for The New 
York Times)
Map of Canada highlighting the Tsuu T'ina Indian Reservation in 
Alberta: Tsuu T'ina Indians are clearing out bombs, some of them 
still live.

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