Paul Phillips wrote:

>>This can not be combatted by pious arguments that
Canada should restrict its energy use.  It is cold up
here in the winter (and usually hot in summer) plus
distances between population centres are huge
meaning that we have no alternative but to use high amounts of
energy.  <<

No, there is an alternative and it is happening in Siberia and the far east
of Russia right now. It is that your unsustainable northern cities close and
die, and people move away or die too. Canadian cities which require high
levels of energy for transport and heat will simply cease to exist because
there will be no energy to support them, at ANY price. The
population will head south. They will become immigrants.

Your policy proposals are also unrealistic. Taxpayers in EuroAmerica who are
being clobbered by inflation, unemployment and massive energy price hikes,
will not agree to spend the huge sums necessary to build infrastructure in
the south, especially when we can all see that this type of urban
infratsructure is no longer viable anywhere. Meanwhile the problems of
economic migration and skills loss, will intensify as economies in the south
collapse. You simply have not grasped the scale of the crisis.


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