louis is 'extremely familiar' with shiva, so he will know that shiva is not a
postmodernist, nor a poststructuralist, but third-worldist eco-feminist.

Louis Proyect wrote:

> I am extremely familiar with Vandana Shiva's ideas and regard
> them as inimical to everything that Marx stood for.

and,  remember this?

Mon, 05 Jan 1998 11:20:25 -0500
Louis Proyect ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

>My problem with Shiva is her gender essentialism, her romanticism about
>India's pre-colonial past, her hypocrisy in leading a very cosmopolitan
>life while recommending that everyone else stay at home, and a very
>un-nuanced rejection of technology. Just because Monsanto is using biotech
>to screw peasants around the world doesn't mean that biotech itself is
>always and everywhere a sinister plot by white imperialist men.

There is just as much--if not more--that can be learned from Vandana Shiva,
Jerry Mander and Kirkpatrick Sale as can be learned from Judith Butler.
Like it or not, these people are a corrective to the "rural idiocy" thesis
that is contained in the Communist Manifesto and that you have alluded to
many times favorably.


The value-system of communalist peoples is much closer to the communist
value system that we seek. The problem is the transition to the material
conditions which will allow such a revolution in values to take place.
Shiva, Mander and Sale have no concept of such a transition. Mostly what
they propose is utopian retreat from the class struggle.


Louis Proyect

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