>And so is Soviet-style socialism. So what's left?

Revolutionary socialism and mass struggles that move in that direction.
Eg., Colombia, general strike in Argentina, water protests in Bolivia,
indigenous protests in Ecuador, Israel getting pushed out of southern
Lebanon (Lebanese Marxists on the Marxism list have explained the role of
the left in this broad movement), Indonesians organizing a new Marxist
party, a new left in Zimbabwe challenging Mugabe's sellout policies,
resurgence of Communist Parties in the former Soviet bloc including
Mongolia, etc. And most of all, revolutionary Cuba which is showing how a
genuine Red-Green synthesis can be accomplished, even under the gun of
imperialism. If struggles in "peripheral" countries are not your cup of
tea, then I can understand how you can get demoralized like the AM'ers and
the academic left in general. 

Louis Proyect

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