Jim Devine wrote:

>As for the "large chunk of folks who have marched in anti-war marches for
>decades" before deciding that imperialism was great

Don't forget Bill Clinton's letter about avoiding the military - he was
worried about his future political viability. I think we're seeing that
again with our young DSAers.



>I wonder if the members of the youth branch of DSA are joining the armed
>forces in droves, to contribute to the war effort.
>Jim Devine 

I don't think they take people with prostate conditions.

Louis Proyect


Lou wrote:
>I resent this. While I am 54 years old, I can certainly cut the mustard
>provided I've had some good weed, a glass or two of wine, and the company
>of that special kind of woman who's read both Trotsky and Diane DiPrima.

Whereas our armchair hawks can only get high on the Viagra of
cruise-missile manhood.

you're in good company,


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