A forward.

Charles Brown


In a message dated 4/20/99 3:23:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Subj:         (abolition-usa) Fwd: 'Let Civility Prevail': an appeal from
 Date:  4/20/99 3:23:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ASlater)
 Sender:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 >Subject: 'Let Civility Prevail': an appeal from Belgrade
 >Priority: non-urgent
 >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true
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 >---------------------- Forwarded by Tom K Snowdon/Winnipeg/MCC on 04/20/99
 >AM ---------------------------
 >From: Zarana Papic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >To: Bojan Aleksov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: [Fwd: Syndicate: <nettime> Let Civility Prevail - A
 >Statement of Concerned SerbianCitizens]
 >-------- Original Message --------
 >Subject: Syndicate: <nettime> Let Civility Prevail - A Statement of
 >Concerned SerbianCitizens
 >From: Andreas Broeckmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 16:45:32 +0200 (CEST)
 >As long time proponents of and activists for a democratic and
 >anti-nationalist Serbia, who have chosen to remain in
 >Yugoslavia during this moment of crisis and who want to see
 >our country reintegrated into the community of world nations,
 >we state the following:
 >1. We strongly condemn the NATO bombings which have
 >hugely exacerbated violence in Kosovo and have caused the
 >displacement of people outside and throughout Yugoslavia. We
 >strongly condemn the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian
 >population perpetrated by any Yugoslav forces. We strongly
 >condemn the Kosovo Liberation Army's (KLA) violence
 >targeted against the Serbs, moderate Albanians and other ethnic
 >communities in Kosovo. The humanitarian catastrophe in
 >Kosovo - death, grief and extreme suffering for hundreds of
 >thousands of Albanians, Serbs and members of other ethnic
 >communities - has to be ended now. All refugees from
 >Yugoslavia must immediately and unconditionally be allowed
 >to return to their homes, their security and human rights
 >guaranteed, and aid for reconstruction provided. Perpetrators of
 >crimes against humanity whoever they are must be brought to
 >2. The fighting between Serbian forces and KLA has to be
 >stopped immediately in order to start a new round of
 >negotiations. All sides must put aside their maximalist
 >demands. There are (as in other numerous similar conflicts such
 >as Northern Ireland) no quick and easy solutions. We all must
 >be prepared for a long and painstaking process of negotiation
 >and normalization.
 >3. The bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO causes destruction
 >and growing numbers of civilian victims (at least several
 >hundred, maybe a thousand, by now). The final outcome will be
 >the destruction of the economic and cultural foundations of
 >Yugoslav society. It must be stopped immediately.
 >4. The UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the founding
 >document of NATO, as well as the constitutions of countries
 >such as Germany, Italy, Portugal, have been violated by this
 >aggression. As individuals who have devoted their lives to the
 >defense of basic democratic values, who believe in universal
 >legal norms we are deeply concerned that NATO's violation
 >of these norms will incapacitate all those struggling for the
 >rule of law and human rights in this country and elsewhere
 >in the world.
 >5. NATO's bombings have further destabilized the southern
 >Balkans. If continued this conflict can escalate beyond Balkan
 >borders and, if turned into land military operations, thousands
 >of NATO and Yugoslav soldiers, as well as Albanian and
 >Serbian civilians, will die in a futile war as in Vietnam. Political
 >negotiations toward a peaceful settlement should be reopened
 >6. The existing regime has only been reinforced by NATO's
 >attacks in Yugoslavia by way of the natural reaction of people
 >to rally around the flag in times of foreign aggression. We
 >continue our opposition to the present anti-democratic and
 >authoritarian regime, but we also emphatically oppose NATO's
 >aggression. The democratic forces in Serbia have been
 >weakened and the democratic reformist Government of
 >Montenegro threatened by NATO's attacks and by the regime's
 >subsequent proclamation of the state of war and now find
 >themselves between NATO's hammer and regime's anvil.
 >7. In dealing with the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia the
 >leaders of the world community have in the past made
 >numerous fatal errors. New errors are leading to an aggravation
 >of the conflict and are removing us from the search for peaceful
 >We appeal to all: President Milosevic, the representatives of
 >the Kosovo Albanians, NATO, EU and US leaders to stop all
 >violence and military activities immediately and engage in the
 >search for a political solution.
 >Belgrade, April 16, 1999
 >1. Stojan Cerovic, "Vreme" columnist and journalist
 >2. Jovan Cirilov, Belgrade International Theater Festival (BITEF)
 >selector and former director of the Yugoslav Drama Theater; Theater
 >History Center Director
 >3. Sima Cirkovic, Member Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
 >Professor, Belgrade University, Dept. of History
 >4. Mijat Damnjanovic, Former Professor, Belgrade University, Faculty
 >of Political Sciences, Center for Public Administration and Local
 >Government (PALGO) Director
 >5. Vojin Dimitrijevic, Former head of the Department of
 >Law, Belgrade Law School; The Belgrade Center for Human Rights
 >Director; UN Human Rights Committee former Vice Chairman
 >6. Dasa Duhacek, Director Women Studies Center, Board Member of
 >Alternative Academic Educational Network (AAEN)
 >7. Milutin Garasanin, Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and
 >Arts; Vice President of The Association for Research of South-Eastern
 >Europe (UNESCO)
 >8. Zagorka Golubovic, Professor, Belgrade University, Department of
 >Sociology; Chair Social Sciences Department of AAEN
 >9. Dejan Janca, Professor, Novi Sad University, Law School
 >10. Ivan Jankovic, Belgrade lawyer, human rights activist, Board
 >President of Center for Anti-War Action
 >11. Predrag Koraksic, Belgrade caricaturist
 >12. Mladen Lazic, Professor, Belgrade University, Department of
 >Sociology, AAEN Board member
 >13. Sonja Licht, President, Fund for an Open Society Executive Board
 >14. Ljubomir Madzar, Professor Belgrade University, Faculty of
 >Economy, Member Group-17
 >15. Veran Matic, Editor in Chief, Belgrade Radio B92, President
 >Alternative Network of Electronic Media (ANEM)
 >16. Jelica Minic, Secretary General, European Movement in Serbia
 >17. Andrej Mitrovic, Professor, Belgrade University, Department of
 >18. Radmila Nakarada, Senior Reserach Fellow, Belgrade Institute for
 >European Studies
 >19. Milan Nikolic, Director, Center for Policy Studies
 >20. Vida Ognjenovic, Theater director, playwrite
 >21. Borka Pavicevic, Director, Center for Cultural Decontamination
 >22. Jelena Santic, Anti-war 487 group, human rights activist
 >23. Nikola Tasic, Associate member of the Serbian Academy of
 >and Arts, Member European Academy
 >24. Ljubinka Trgovcevic, Senior Research Fellow, Belgrade
 >Department of History
 >25. Srbijanka Turajlic, Professor, Belgrade University, Faculty of
 >Electrical Engineering, Board President AAEN
 >26. Ivan Vejvoda, Fund for an Open Society Executive Director,
 >27. Branko Vucicevic, translator
 > >>

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