Jim Devine wrote:

> At 01:57 PM 4/21/99 -0400, Barkley wrote:
> >      With respect to Lumumba, I would like to
> >recommend to one and all the novel, _The
> >Poisonwood Bible_, by Barbara Kingsolver.  It
> >deals with the events in Congo/Zaire at the time
> >of independence and especially the role of the CIA
> >in the death of Lumumba.   It is one of those novels
> >that comes with a bibliography and the author lived
> >in the Congo during that period.
> Barkley, could you give a quick summary of Kingsolver's perspective?

>From memory, but not too many years ago the NYT sunday magazine
printed an article which quoted several of Eisenhower's queries to
subordinates of why Lumumba hadn't been taken out yet. The accusation
that the U.S. murdered Lumumba is not merely a leftist charge -- it has
been documented in the source of all the news that's fit to print.

>From leftist sources, it was richly documented during the Columbia
Univ. uprising of '68 detailing the role of David Truman (name?), then
a dean at Columbia) in the final participation in Lumumba's murder.


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