Reuters ran a story today summarizing the findings of a recent World
Bank Study. (the annual development report?):

Stiglitz:" We must be more cautious of programs that promote growth in
ways that are not sustainable or which save the economy, or at least the
exchange rate, but at the cost of increased poverty, interrupting
education or declining life expectancy."

Comment: This may be the closest the WB will come to admitting that its
and IMF's programs cause poverty.

" Despite the significant gains in development, the gap between the rich
and the poor is widening and if you look at many countries income
distribution is worsening, increasing the social pain of economic
failure. Nowhere are these problems more evident than in the former
states of the Soviet Union"

Comment: What does he mean by "development"? If poverty is increasing in
all of the areas studied, what does that say for develpment? or the
meaning of the term "development" that the bank works with?

Reuters: " The report estimates that 1.5 billion people are living  at
below $1 a day, the measure for poverty in the world's poorest
countries, compared with 1.3 billion in 1993. The bank survey attributes
the shrinking opportunity to improve human living conditions to a rapid
spread of AIDS in Africa, the lingering effects of the Asian financial
crisis and chaos in the former East Bloc nations. In Eastern Europe and
the former Soviet Union, the bank calculated the number of people living
under the poverty line of $4 a day has grown to 147 million from 14
million in 1989."

Comment:!!!!! There are no attempts to link these causes of increasing
poverty. The bank sees no connection between "chaos" in fSU and "Asian
financial crisis" or AIDS. What are the causes of this "chaos" and this
"financial crisis"?

" In 10 Sub-Saharan countries, life expectancy has deterioted by 10
years in the past decades as HIV and AIDS have infected 10% of the adult
population. In Indonesia, one of the countries affected by the Asian
financial crisis that started in Thailand in July 1997, before spreading
throughout the region , up to 20% of the population is living is poverty
compared to just 7% two years ago, Stiglitz said"

Stiglitz isn't stupid. It should be pretty clear by now who benefits
from SAP's and why they are implemented. If the bank really wants to
ameliorate poverty, it will have to radically alter its philosophy and
its program. Deep down, I think Stiglitz knows this.

Sam Pawlett

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