Attn: Global Response Quick Response Network:

This urgent (gotta do it right away!) appeal comes from Friends of the Earth
- Australia.  Please send a quick fax to US Secretary of the Interior, Bruce
Babbitt, before he meets with Australian aboriginal representative Yvonne
Margarula April 20.  Thanks for your help with this!  --GR

Dear US  and other groups,

On April 20, Yvonne Margarula, the Senior Traditional Owner of the Jabiluka
land in Kakadu National Park, in the NT of Australia, and Jacqui Katona,
executive officer of the Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation, will be seeing US
Secretary for the interior, Bruce Babbitt.

Bruce Babbit is the boss, or rather the bosses boss, of the US delegation to
the World Heritage Bureau and Committee. 

Last december in Kyoto, the Bureau and the Committee accepted  a report from
the World Heritage mission to Kakadu, reccommending that Kakadu be listed as
'in Danger' in a manner similar to Yellowstone and the Everglades.

The proposed Jabiluka uranium mine is in the middle of the World Heritage
area, surrounded by it on all sides. It is directly adjacent to
archeological sites up to 60,000 years old.  

The final decision to put Kakadu on the 'in Danger' list is anything but a
done deal.  It will be made in Paris in June/July at meetings of the Bureau
and the committee, after consideration of a 'rebuttal, by the Australian
Government of the Kakadu World Heritage Mission report. 

The Australian Government released this rebuttal yesterday, and it claims
that there is no threat to Kakadu.

The Australian federal government has allocated a million dollars to a
massive campaign of international lobbying, designed to avoid an 'In Danger'

The Australian environment community is strongly countering this with our
own campaign, which enjoys the support of the majority (67%) of the voting
population, all non- government political parties and the uniting and
catholic churches.

The US delegation, for which Babbitt is responsible,  is of critical
importance on the World Heritage Bureau and Committee, and its attitude will
strongly influence other delegations when the committee and the bureau
meeting Paris in June/July to make a final 'in danger' listing.

The meeting of Yvonne and Jacqui with Babbit is therefore crucial to getting
Kakadu finally declared 'in Danger'.


HIS FAX NUMBER IS +1-202-208-5048.

You need to make the following points:

1)The views of the Traditional Owners of the Jabiluka site on Kakadu must be
taken with the utmost seriousness.

2)The Australian Government response to the UNESCO mission report on the
other hand, contains major errors of both fact and interpretation, and
cannot be regarded as a credible document.

3)The traditional owners of the jabiluka site the Mirrar/Gundjehmi, are now
faced with an immediate threat to the Boyweg/Almudj sacred site complex, as
a result of construction work at Jabiluka that continues in defience of last
years World heritage Committee reccommendation for an immediate cessation of

4)Babbitt should formally ask the Australian government to stop construction
as per the reccommendation of the world heritage committee meeting in Kyoto
last year.

5)He should also ask the World heritage secretariat, via the US delegation,
to take immediate action to request the same of the Australian government.

6)The US should vote and actively lobby for Kakadu National park to be
finally listed as 'In Danger' in Paris in June/July. 

You may also wish to fax the Australian government, and simply ask them to
implement the reccommendation of the December '98 World Heritage Committee
meeting in Kyoto, that construction work at jabiluka cease. 

The number of the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard is :

The minister for the Environment, Senator Hill is on:

The number of the NT Chief Minister is:

Statements of solidarity should be sent to:

GLOBAL RESPONSE is an international letter-writing network of environmental
activists.  In partnership with indigenous, environmentalist and peace and
justice organizations around the world, GLOBAL RESPONSE develops "Actions"
that describe specific, urgent threats to the environment; each "Action"
asks members to write personal letters to individuals in the corporations,
governments or international organizations that have the power and
responsibility to take corrective action.  GR also issues "Young
Environmentalists' Actions" and "Eco-Club Actions" designed to educate and
motivate elementary and high school students to practice earth stewardship.  

P.O. Box 7490                           Phone: 303/444-0306
Boulder CO, USA 80306-7490              Fax:   303/449-9794

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